RESTful Engine Report Configuration Settings

The engine accepts these properties in two different manners:

  • Set globally in the application configuration/properties file. These properties will hold true for all reports generated:
    • .NET RESTful Engine: web.config
    • Java RESTful Engine:
  • Set the properties on a per request basis by putting it under the Properties tag in the request body (check here). If you do so, then the properties passed as headers will override the default values we have set, or the values you have set globally in the configuration/properties file.


Property NameDescription
asian.supportSets if the server has asian fonts available for output. Allowable values are "on" (the server has Asian fonts installed) and "off (Asian fonts are not installed). Default is "on".
base.directorySet the base directory used for imported filesyss that have a relative path. The default is "". This needs to be a valid rooted full path to a directory.
check.for.glyphsChecks the font specified for text from an out tag and changes the font if it does not have glyphs for some of the text. Allowed values are "on" (performs the check) and "off" (does not perform the check). The default is "on".
check.for.glyphs.fontnamesThe list of fonts to consider when the specified font does not have the glyphs needed. Will use the font with the largest number of needed glyphs. If a tie in the number, will use the earlier one in the list. Set to any number of fontnames, seperated by a ;. The default is "". If there is no set value, then an O/S specific list will be used (but will not be returned on a get for this property. For Windows 10 that list is "Yu Gothic;SimSun;MingLiU-ExtB;Malgun Gothic;Lucida Sans Unicode;".
check.for.ole.imagesIf true will check all images brought in via the out tag for an OLE header (used in Northwind & Access databases) and will strip it off. Allowable values are "on" (check for OLE headers) and "off (do not check). Default is "on".
csv.cell_separatorThe character used to seperate cells. The default is a ,
csv.newlineThe string used to create a newline. The default is "\r\n"
csv.quote_charThe character used to quote a cell. The default is "
csv.trim_whitespaceSet to "true" if cells should have whitespace trimmed from beginning and end. The default is "false".
data.processorIf no value is set the Engine will use the legacy Tag Processor. Set to DataNodeVisitor for Tag Processor 2.0.
default.chart.dpiWhen charts are rendered, they are rendered at this resolution. Can be set to values from 72 to 48,000. The default is 300 (and may be changed).
default.drawing.dpiWhen rendering a drawing (Shape or SmartArt) or the output format is a bitmap, it is done at this resolution. Can be set to values from 72 to 48,000. The default is 600 (and may be changed).
default.image.dpiIf a bitmap does not have it's DPI set, this is the value used. Can be set to values from 72 to 48,000. The default is 96 (and may be changed).
expand.out.textWhat the engine will do when it has a CR or TAB in the text returned by an out tag. Allowed values are "ignore" (leave it as is in the text), "newline" (replace it with a <br/>) & "paragraph" (replace it with a <p/>). The tab is replaced for "newline" and "paragraph" with an actual tab. The default value is "paragraph".
force.bitmap.formatThis will force all bitmaps in the created report to be of the requested format. Options are "", "bmp", "gif", "jpeg", "png", & "tiff". The default is "" which is no conversion.
graphics.render-extentHow the generated report will be cropped. Allowed values are: "" (the extent will be the entire document, nothing is cropped), or any combination of "margins" (the margins will be cropped, even if that removes content), "header.and.footer" (The header and footer will not be rendered. This does not crop the header/footer area), and/or "content" (The smallest rectangle for each page that does not crop content. Each page can be a different size). To crop at the max set to "margins;header.and.footer;content". This is presently only supported by ProcessImage and ProcessTxt.The default is "e".
graphics.render-pagesThe pages that will be generated. String is in the form "1, 4, 6-11, 15" The numbers most be increasing with no overlap. A value of "" means render all pages. This is presently only supported by ProcessImage and ProcessTxt.The default is "".
hide-chart-worksheet-dataEvery chart object in DOCX, PPTX, & XLSX output has an Excel worksheet behind it with the data. Set this to "true" to hide the worksheet and to "false" to show the worksheet. The default value is "true".
hours-delete-jobsSet the number of hours before all generated documents will be deleted from the RESTful engine \App_Data\requests folder.
html.css-filenameSet to the CSS filename if the CSS file is distinct (note part of the html body. Set to "" if the CSS file is a component in the html body. This is set for both the case of the engine creating a CSS file and for the engine using an existing CSS file. Default is "".
html.css-typeSets if the css information will be written to a separate file, as part of the html file, or skipped (because the file already exists). Allowed values are: "no" (no css), "include" (write the css contents to the output (html) b file), "separate" (write the css contents to the css stream), & "exists" (assume they have the css file already, 149 * don't write it). The default is "include".
html.embed_imagesSet to "true" to have the engine to embed all images in the HTML file instead of using separate image files. Set to "false" to have images written out as distinct files. More information found on Wikipedia: Default is "true".
html.full_fileThe report can be generated as either a complete html file, or as just the body. If it is set to "true" (full file), the report will have everything from <html> to </html>. If set to "false", it will be a body, and can be included with additional html as just part of the body of a final html file. In this case the returned stream must be placed inside a <body>...</body>. Default is "true".
html.set-xhtmlSet to "true" to create a HTML file that conforms to the XHTML spec. Set to "false" for standard HTMl. Default is "false".
html.split_pagesSet to "true" to have the engine to split HTML output into multiple documents, one for each page of the document. Set to "false" to have it create a single output file. Default is "false".
ignore.tag.colorsIf true then do not add color formatting before tags (if it is the tag's color). Allowed values are "on" (do not 182 add colors) and "off" (add colors). Default is "off"
image.formatThe format to render in for ProcessImage. Allowed values are: "bmp", "emf", "emz", "eps", "gif", "jpg", "png", "svg", "tif", "wmf", or "wmz". The default is "png".
image.dpiThe Dots Per Inch to render the bitmaps at. Ignored for SVG. The default is 300 and can be increased without notice.
import.use.child.stylesWhen an imported template's style settings don't match the master document this determines if default settings in the imported document will match the imported style (true) or the master style (false). Default is "true".
layout.documentIf set to "off", then for output we do not have to layout (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, HTML in non-pages mode), the engine will not perform layout on the generated report. In this case the ProcessReport.getNumPages() will return an undefined value (usually 0) and any fields in DOCX that depend on page, section, num pages, etc. numbers will be wrong and the fields will need to be updated. The advantage of turning this off is document production will be faster. This setting is ignored for formats we need to layout (PDF, printer, text, etc.). The default is "on"
word.versionThe template will be parsed using the default values for that version of Word. Allowed values are "2007", "2010", "2013", & "2016". The default value is "2016" (and will increase when Microsoft releases a new version).
openxml.copy-drawingsSet to "true" if drawings are to be copied to output, set to "false" to drop them. Drawings are only copied for DOCX -> DOCX, PPTX -> PPTX (soon), and XLSX -> XLSX. Default is "true".
openxml.copy-metadataSet if the Fluent metadata will be copied to the generated report. This can only occur if the template and generated report are both the same type of OpenXML files. Allowed values are "no" (don't copy), "no-datasource" (copy if no datasources are applied), & "yes" (copy it). Default is "no-datasource".
openxml.copy-shapesSet to "true" if shapes are to be copied to output, set to "false" to drop them. Shapes are only copied for DOCX -> DOCX, PPTX -> PPTX (soon), and XLSX -> XLSX. Default is "true".
openxml.recalculateSet to "true" if the generated document is to perform recalculation when first opened. Presently only implemented for DOCX and XLSX. Default is "false".
pdf.PDF_ASet to "true" to build a PDF/A-1b file. This will force all fonts to be embedded. Set to "false" for standard PDF. Default is "false";
pdf.compression_levelet the compression level. Basically a higher compression level means a smaller final pdf file - but also a longer processing time. Allowed values are: "none" (don't use this), "fast" (will perform any compression that reduces the final file size significantly and does not take that much processing time. This provides a good balance between processing time and file size), or "maximum" (will compress everything with the best compression algorithm for each block. This will take significant processing time but will produce the smallest final file). Default is "fast".
pdf.font_levelSet the font level. A higher font level means a more accurate final pdf but also a large one. The allowed values are: "internal" (Will only use the Acrobat internal fonts which are Helvetica (Arial), Times-Roman, Courier, Symbol, and Zapfdingbats. All fonts will be mapped to one of these five fonts), "specified" (Will use the font specified in the template but will not embed the font itself in the pdf file. This adds very little to the size of the final file. However, if Acrobat cannot create a font for the filename specified, it will not display the final file), or "embed" (Will use the font specified in the template and will embed the font in the pdf file. This will provide the most accurate final pdf file and all fonts can be rendered. However, it makes the final file a lot larger). The default is "embed".
pdf.key_lengthThe password licenseKey length. Allowed values are "40" or "128". Default is "128".
pdf.owner_passwordThe owner password for the PDF generated report. Set to "" for no password. The default is "".
pdf.rgbTransparencyBlendingSpaceSet to false to turn of using the RGB space for image color blending in the PDF. The default is true.
pdf.securityThe security for the PDF generated report. Allowed values can be any combination of: "none" (allow nothing), "assembly" (allow assembly of the pdf report), "copy" (allow copy (cut & paste) of the pdf report), "degraded-printing" (allow degraded printing of the pdf report), "fill-in" (allow fill-in of the pdf report), "mod-annotations" (allow modifications of annotations in the pdf report), "mod-contents" (allow modification of contents in the pdf report), "printing" (allow printing the pdf report), and/or "screen-readers" (allow screen capture of the pdf report). The default is "" (allow everything)
pdf.user_passwordThe user password for the PDF generated report. Set to "" for no password. The default is "".
pdf.versionthe PDF version number used to create the file. Allowed values are: "1.2" ... "1.7". The default value is "1.4".
report.charsetHtml and txt files are generated using a charset (the rest use unicode). Normally html files are generated using utf-8 (unicode). Txt files are normally generated using the native charset. The native charset is not the java native charset, it is the default charset set in the template. This setting allows you to force to charset the report is written in. The passed in value is the Windows codepage (Western Europe is 1252). This has nothing to do with reading in the template, it only affects the charset the output report is written in. This also has special values of "1" (default), & "2" (unicode). It used to also have "3" but that was for RTF templates which are no longer supported. Default value is "1".
report.descriptionWritten to the description for output formats that have this meta key. Also written as the document description in Hub listing of generated documents.
report.embed.infoThis can be used to set the autor property of your document.
report.hidden-modeSet to select what hidden parts of a spreadsheet, if any, to render in the output. Allowable values are flags that turn on displaying parts: "" (none), "no-print" (include worksheets set to not print in the output), "hidden-sheets" (include worksheets set to hidden in the output. This will not include the WR_DATA (Fluent metadata) sheet, "all-rows-columns" (include hidden rows and columns in a worksheet), & "ignore-print-range" (ignore the print area set in the XLSX file. (ie, print the whole sheet.). Default is "".
report.hyphenateSets if hyphenation is to be used in rendered output. Allowable settings are: "off" (do not hyphenate), "template" (hyphenate if turned on in template), & "on" (hyphenate the document). The default is "template"
report.keywordsThe keywords of the document. This are delimited by a ','. In html this will set the keywords meta-tag.
report.localeThis call returns the locale used in creating a report for output other than Asian & bi-directional. This method should not be called until after the report template has been parsed. This is used by; 1) The output report locale for html and rtf reports, 2) The charset used for txt reports, 3) The rules used for soft line 347 breaks (this mostly affects Thai), and 4) the locale used for <wr:out>. This will return "" if set to LOCALE_DEFAULT until after the template has been parsed. Once the template has been parsed it will return the 349 locale of the template in that case. This is stored as the IETF BCP 47 representation of the locale. For the U.S. this is "en-US".
report.locale_asianThis call returns the locale used in creating a report for Asian output. This method should not be called until after the report template has been parsed. This is used by; 1) The output report locale for html and rtf reports, 2) The charset used for txt reports, 3) The rules used for soft line breaks (this mostly affects Thai), and 4) the locale used for <wr:out>. This will return "" if set to LOCALE_DEFAULT until after the template has been parsed. Once the template has been parsed it will return the locale of the template in that case. This is stored as the IETF BCP 47 representation of the locale. For the U.S. this is "en-US".
report.locale_bidiThis call returns the locale used in creating a report for Asian output. This method should not be called until after the report template has been parsed. This is used by; 1) The output report locale for html and rtf reports, 2) The charset used for txt reports, 3) The rules used for soft line breaks (this mostly affects Thai), and 4) the locale used for <wr:out>. This will return "" if set to LOCALE_DEFAULT until after the template has been parsed. Once the template has been parsed it will return the locale of the template in that case. This is stored as the IETF BCP 47 representation of the locale. For the U.S. this is "en-US".
report.mode-process-embeddedWhat to do processing embedded objects. Writing an embedded object to the generated report can only be done for the case of DOCX -> DOCX and XLSX -> XLSX(and in the future, PPTX -> PPTX). But for any other case, the screenshot of the object can be written(except TXT and CSV obviously). So these settings are valid for all combinations, but implemented in the context of object -> bitmap. Allowed values are: "drop" (drop embedded objects, they are not included in the output), "copy" (copy embedded objects across as is), "if-data-applied" (process an embedded object applying the parent template datasources and variables. If any tags were processed write out the generated object and screenshot. If no tags were processed, copy across the embedded object as is), "always" (always process an embedded object and write out the generated object & screenshot, even if no tags were processed), & "keep-original-screenshot" (same as "if-data-applied" but the object is not re-rendered for a new screenshot. The default is "if-data-applied"
report.remove-unused-formatsSet to "true" if unused styles, fonts, etc. should not be written to the generated report. Default is "false".
result.set.typeSet the ResultSet type for JDBC (Java engine) result queries. Allowable settings are: "TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY", "TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE", "TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY". The default is "TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY"
report.subjectThe subject of the document. In html this will set the description meta-tag
report.template.versionThe verion of Windward/AutoTag this template was created for. The default is the latest Fluent version major number ("20" at the time this was written).
report.titleThe title of the document. In html this will set both the TITLE tag and the title meta-tag.
report.track-importsSet to "true" if you want to call getImports after processing datasources. Default is "false"
report.trimSets if the end of the generated document should be trimmed. Allowable settings are: "none" (no trim), "end.whitespace" (delete whitespace at the end of the final paragraph), and "end.blank" (remove all trailing empty paragraphs). The default is "none".
report.write-fields-as-fieldsIf true DOCX form fields and content controls are written to PDF and HTML reports as form fields. If false they are written as text. Allowed values are "true" and "false". Default is "true".
rtf.copy_unknownSet copy unknown tags mode on or off. Allowed values are: "on" (copy mode is on, all rtf tags that are understood but not processed will be copied to the report, this will not copy tags that are not understood (or that are understood but cannot be copied stand-alone), & "off" (so not copy tags the engine does not process). Default value is "off".
rtf.extra_pictSets if the engine writes each image twice. The second time is the image that WordPad uses. Turning this on makes files a lot bigger. Allowed values are "on" and "off". Default value is "off".
sql.parametersSets the DataSourceProvider the parameter substitution mode. Allowed values are: "substitution" (All ${var...} is handled via string substitution. If the var does NOT start with an underscore, it will use escapes), "parameters" (All ${var...} is handled via setParameter() unless the var starts with an underscore like ${_var...} and then it uses substitution), & "parameters.always" (All ${var...} is handled via setParameter()). Default is "parameters" to "true" to have a '${var}' will be changed to ? instead of the regular action of '?' (surrounded with quotes). Default is "false".
trim.tablesWhen set, for XLSX templates, it will remove empty rows at the bottom of the table and empty columns on the right side of rows. It will remove formatted cells, but it will not remove cells with content or that are merged with other cells. Allowed values are "" (off) & "agressively". The default is "".
txt.break_pageSet to "true" for a Ctrl-L to be written to the report for each page break. The default is "false".
txt.font_nameSet the font used when formatting txt output. The default is "Courier New" on Windows and "Courier" otherwise.
txt.font-size-twipsSet the font size used when formatting txt output. This is set in TWIPS or 20ths of a point. So a value of 240 is 12 points. Default is "240". Note: This used to be set as "txt.font_size=points" (not twips).
txt.use_soft_eolnSet if soft line breaks will be inserted and paragraphs will wrap to the next line. If false then all paragraphs will be placed on a single line of output. Allowed values are: "on" (insert soft line breaks) & "off" (paragraphs are a single line). The default is "true"
use.decimalSets if the system should use BigDecimal/BigInteger when calculating values in equations. Allowable settings are "on" (use BigInteger & BigDecimal) and "off" (use Long & Decimal). Default is "off"
use.external.output.builderSet to "on to use the external output builder if one is loaded for the output format. Default is "off"
use.parent.formatThis is the default value for the Import tag use.parent.format property. If that is not set in the tag, then this property is used. Set to "true" to cause imported templates will have their first paragraph & character formatting set to that of the paragraph in the parent template where the import tag is located. Set to "false" to not blend the formatting. Default is false.
write.tagsWhen writing tags to a report (when the datasource for a tag was not applied) it will write the tags in the following format. Allowed values are "text" (write tags as text in the template), "field" (write tags as DOCX: field, XLSX: AutoTag() macro, & PPTX: hyperlink), & "field-plus" (same as "field" but charts & bitmaps are written as chart/bitmap objects). Default is "field-plus"